Preschool Education

a child swinging on a swingStatutory preschool education is provided free of charge by the municipality for all children under school age, for a period of up to one year before compulsory schooling commences. The preschool year usually follows the normal school and holiday periods.

The free preschool education covers 700 hours a year - about four hours a day. Additional preschool education hours are available, at extra charge. Preschool education places should be organised before the start of the education year. 

Preschool education became mandatory on 1 August 2015. In the year preceding the commencement of compulsory education, the child must attend municipal preschool or another comparable, and approved, preschool education placement.

The parent / guardian of the child is responsible for ensuring that the child participates in the preschool process, in preparation for full-time education.

Those enrolled in preschool tuition should attend classes regularly. 

Children in preschool education may also use school transport - see here (in Finnish) for more details. For school journeys of more than three kilometers, free transportation is available. 

If a child participating in preschool education also needs supplementary education and preschooling, the parent or guardian may organise this with help from the municipality.

The municipality's early education plan and the national curriculum of preschool education form a whole, with a clear continuum between them.